35 Unique Project Topics for Undergraduate Mathematics Students (July 2019)

The topic of your mathematical model will provide an idea to the readers about the main concept of your model. Therefore, you should try to select such a topic idea for your mathematical model that is engaging for the readers. You can use one of these ideas as your own mathematical model topic idea. If you don’t want to use this topic idea, you can also select your own topic idea or get help from dissertation writing services UK

Project Topics for Undergraduate Mathematics Students

A mathematics project is helpful for the students to understand a specific mathematical concept or idea. To make a mathematics project, you will have to conduct in-depth research about this concept or idea. Math projects are made for all levels from kindergarten to undergraduate level. An undergraduate mathematics project is difficult to make from other kinds of projects. The first step to make an undergraduate mathematics project is to find out an interesting and intriguing topic idea. You can easily get the best topic ideas for your mathematics project by contacting the expert writers of academic writing services. A list of the best mathematics project topic ideas for undergraduate is given below;

  1. Use the concepts of square and perimeter to design the layout of the perfect theme park?
  2. How to design and construct a parachute that can stay in the air for a longer time?
  3. How varying angles can affect your abilities to make a basket in a basketball goal?
  4. How to align the laws of probabilities with human reasoning?
  5. How to apply linear programming for profit maximization?
  6. How to model the effects of carries on the transmission dynamics?
  7. How to use the method of the undetermined coefficient for the purpose of solving the differential equations?
  8. How infectious latent is helpful for us to model and simulate the speed of HBV disease?
  9. How numerical Newton’s interpolation is helpful for us to solve the first order differential equation?
  10. How numerical methods are helpful for us to solve different kinds of partial equations?
  11. How Laplace Transformation is helpful for us to solve the second-degree partial equation?
  12. How is it possible for us to solve second-degree differential equation with the help of variable coefficients?
  13. How to use different kinds of numerical methods to solve first order differential equation?
  14. How to measure the central tendency with the help of the concepts of the student’s interests?
  15. How to make a project to spread and control the tuberculosis disease?
  16. What is Gaussian elimination and how to use it for the decomposition of the linear methods of equations?
  17. What is a discrete logistic model and how to structure populations with the help of this model?
  18. How to make a mathematical model for the control of Polio in Nigeria?
  19. Prepare a mathematical model that is helpful for us to control avian influenza
  20. Prepare a mathematical model that is helpful for us to control malaria
  21. How to find out the possible solutions to some science and engineering problems with the help of a mathematical model?
  22. Prepare a mathematical model that is helpful for us to learn differentiation and its applications
  23. How to find out the effects of mathematical modeling on the students?
  24. Prepare a mathematical model that can solve the circuit problems with the help of Laplace Transformation
  25. How computerization is helpful for us in the field of Finance?
  26. Prepare a mathematical model that is helpful for to learn matrix and its applications
  27. How to use the facilities of laboratories in order to teach and learn some basic concepts of mathematics?
  28. How to demonstrate Bernoulli’s principle with the help of preparing a mathematical model?
  29. How to determine the checking and saving of a firm with the help of a mathematical project?
  30. Prepare a mathematical model that can tell us the possible differences between the scores of girls and boys
  31.  How to prepare a mathematical model that can tell us the possible differences between the mean, median and mode of the students’ heights from one grade to another grade?
  32. Prepare a mathematical model that can display the principle of floatation
  33. Prepare a mathematical model that can tell us the refraction and diffraction of the light rays
  34. How to make a cool clock with the help of a craft wheel?
  35. Prepare a mathematical model that can teach different kinds of numbers to the students
  36. How to make an ABB model with the help of Mini Matisse?

Albert Barkley

Hello, my name is Albert Barkley. I am working as education consultant with a UK based firm after completion of my PhD. I like to write on different social, tech and education trends.

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